Several types of injuries can occur at workplaces, costing time and money for both the workers and owners. Although workplaces are considered financial homes to workers, these are also associated with accidents and injuries. The employer’s responsibility is to inform their employees about all the precautions and guidelines to be followed while working.
Employers must ensure that their employees get workers' compensation whenever required and provide them with insurance and proper care if any injury occurs. Often, the workers may be denied compensation by their employer or insurance company stating that the injury did not occur due to work. In such a case, Fort Wayne workers' compensation lawyers help the workers file a claim for workers' compensation and protect their rights.
What injuries can occur at workplaces?
- Fire and explosions
Accidents can happen at faulty gas lines or stored combustible materials. The injuries can include damage to the respiratory system or potential disfigurement. Moreover, because of explosions, burns may also occur and can affect the body tissues and more.
- Inhaling toxic fumes
The workers at chemical factories can inhale toxins which later lead to skin and eye diseases or even more severe complications. Protective equipment like a mask or a respirator helps workers against harmful exposure.
- Exposure to loud noise
These conditions are more common in old industries, but specific factories are exposed to loud noise during work. Industrial deafness is one of the significant conditions which results in significant compensation. Employees use earbuds to prevent the harmful effects of loud noise.
- Repetitive stress
Injuries like musculoskeletal disorders are significant compensation payouts. These injuries will lead to loss of time and productivity. Repetitive stress disorders are one of the major causes of debilitating pain. They can also hinder the ability to perform the work.
- Improper lifting
It is advised to lift the weight with the knees, not by the back. Moreover, weights more than 50 lbs are to be lifted with the help of a lifting machine. Otherwise, it can lead to muscle strain.
- Strains and sprains while working
Workers lifting heavy objects can have their backs strained, the most common condition reported. It can also lead to cumulative trauma disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. So to prevent this, the worker must take adequate rest and precautions.
Following the injury, it is vital to report it to your
employer. Moreover, a worker can always contact a lawyer to help them file a
claim for workers' compensation if they suffer from an injury. An experienced
workers' compensation lawyer can also help the worker understand whether the
harm caused is because of the work or something else. Once it has been
confirmed that the injury was related to work, the lawyer can proceed with the