6 Phrases That Tank Deals (And Your Reputation)

Top salespeople don't get lucky – they're meticulous. They listen, problem-solve, and speak with clarity.  Bad salespeople, on the other hand,  use  underhanded 'weasel words' to try and sound impressive.  Prospects can smell the BS a mile away, and it destroys the very trust you need to close.

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Here's the worst of the worst:

1. "Trust me."

Translation: I'm about to lie, and I know it. This cheesy phrase screams dishonesty and desperation. Focus on building trust through actions, not demanding it.

2. "To be honest..."

Wait, you were lying before?  Honesty should be the default. This just raises red flags about everything you've already said.

Read our blog post on How to write a follow up email 

3. "Hmm...I think we can do that."

Never waffle on capability.  Even  "I'll find  you an answer ASAP" is better than uncertainty, as it shows you're committed to getting them what they need.

4. "Are you the decision-maker?"

Incredibly rude! Assumes they  aren't important enough to your sales process, even if they don't sign the final check. Word gets around, and you've just alienated not only them but their network.

Read our blog post on writing an email 

5.  Industry Jargon

You might feel smart, but your prospect feels stupid. Simplify your language, or you've lost them before the value prop even lands.

Read our blog post on How to write a professional email offering services

6. "We don't normally do this, but..."

The BS detector goes off the charts!  Even if true, this implies you'll bend the rules for anyone, making any 'special deal' seem worthless.

Bottom Line:  Bad Words = Bad Deals

These phrases show insecurity, not expertise. Ditch the tricks, speak with confidence, clarity, and be the problem-solver your prospects want to do business with.

Read our blog post on KIndly Regards 

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